Knee arthritis is a disease process in which there is wear of the cartilage of the knee joint . Cartilage is a smooth lining of the joint which allows painless movement without friction.
- Osteoarthritis: It is a process of wear and tear of the joint .
- Rheumatoid arthirits: an inflammatory arthritis where the synovial inflammatory tissue leads to cartilage wear.
- Crystal deposition arthropathy: Due to deposition of crystals which are byproducts of metabolism like uric acid.
Knee joint preservation is all about keeping the knee working well without needing a replacement. This involves different ways to care for the knee joint, helping doctors fix knee problems while keeping the knee’s natural parts. It is mainly used for people with damage to the knee’s cartilage.
Cartilage injury can lead to arthritis and often causes knee pain. The severity of knee problems can be different for each person. Injuries or normal aging can damage the cartilage, causing pain, stiffness, and trouble moving.