Bone scan (skeletal scintigraphy) helps to diagnose and evaluate a variety of bone diseases and conditions using small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers
Bone scintigraphy is a diagnostic imaging technique used to evaluate the distributionof active bone formation in the skeleton using a radioactive tracer. Bisphosphonate
molecules labeled with exhibit favourable tracer characteristics with good localization in the skeleton after intravenous injection. Tracer deposition occurs
in proportion to local blood fl owand bone remodelingactivity (dependent on osteoblastosteoclast activity). Unbound tracer is rapidly cleared from surrounding soft tissues. Most pathological bone conditions, whether of infectious, traumatic, neoplastic or other origin, are associated with an increase in vascularization and local bone remodeling. This accompanying bone reaction is refl ected on a bone scan as a focus of increased radioactive tracer uptake. Bone scintigraphyis a sensitive technique that can detect signifi cant metabolic changes very early, often appearing several weeks before they become apparent on conventional radiological images. In addition, the technique provides an overview of the entire skeleton with relatively mode stradiation exposure.
The introduction of hybrid SPECT-CT bone imaging has added sensitivity and specific city as well as complexity to this technique, increasing the need for standardization and experience.